When the early morning mist roll in, despite being burnt off by the sunshine later, there is no denying that my lizard baking days are numbered and it's time to go back to work.
But for one last day, I can potter around my garden with care free abandon, dead heading the dahlias, collecting seeds and ignoring the various kid related plastic debris that always accumulates in the summer holiday's. To quote Mountain from The Soda stream Shame advert,
🐬 🐬 🐬 "Can't you hear the dolphins crying" 🐬 🐬 🐬
For short bursts of time I can remain motionless, totally absorbed in the moment before my recently diagnosed ADHD powers cause an explosion of ideas firing at 1,000,000 miles per hour simultaneous.
Most of August has been highjacked by my diagnosis of ASD. My senses were sent haywire by sensitivity to the medication I was given and I couldn't even go in my own garden. It rained in my garden and in my heart.
However no matter what happens in the chaos of my mind and the garden carries on as it should.
So here we are, flowers on late Bank Holiday Monday.


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