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Flowers on Friday on Monday

At the start of August my world was turned upside down and it wasn't the learning to do a handstand Cody programme. I had three things on my summer bucket list this year.

1. Gardening
2. Yoga - handstands and mermaid pose especially
3. Design a tattoo

As we approached the summer holidays, I was so excited. This was my year, I'd put in the ground work and the kids were big enough not to need me to be the queen of summer holiday entertainment. Then I got a phone call and my life became a run away train and I am still trying to get off because it keeps whizzing past stuff I want to look at.

So I'm not saving anything for best anymore. I'll be wearing sequins and wellies to Sainsbury's, I've got my own Susie version of the double man bun and do you know what?... I am going to do Flowers on Friday on Monday. Hold on to you handbags, I'm going to be living my life on the shed roof.

This is the second flush for the campanula. It was here in the spring and back for Autumn, a second chance and another turn for this little corner of purple.

Best friends forever, nasturtiums and tomatoes. I do love orange, and how it is often forgotten or left out of the favourite colours world.

Holding onto the sun, staying gold and reliably my favourite, dahlia Karma Corona. Sometimes it hard to have faith but I always believe in Karma.

In memory of my time as the president of The Pink Ladies WI, dahlia 1466. We don't care that you are just a number.

Dahlias, you are all my favourites

And you too marigolds.

There is always the sun, even when it's covered by clouds. There are always sunflowers in my garden even if they are the seeds waiting to be next year's sun or be nibbled by winter hungry birds or mice.

And finally a random flower planted by a generous bird or possibly me or it could even be a result of one of the boy's science experiments. Everyone's welcome in my garden.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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