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Showing posts from July, 2011

Six Months of Daily Photos

Now that it is well into July, I thought it would be an excellent time to reflect on my challenge to take a photo everyday for a year. I am really enjoying it and could quite easily take more than one picture a day, although over the past six months on some days it has been so difficult to even get out of bed. I wish that I had the funding to put on an exhibition of all the photos, not because any of them are particularly spectacular but just because it would be incredible to wonder around a fabulous art space, seeing snapshots of a year in my life and hugely self indulgent. I don't think it's even that my life has been so amazing to warrant an exhibition, it's more the passage of time, the changing of the seasons, ideas that have become realities. A large proportion of the pictures have been of my garden and things I have grown, perhaps because I look forward with anticipation to see what a plant or flower is going to look like. I love to watch things grow, it truly is