I like to watch the weather. I am a gardener at heart so I like to know what's going to be going on for my plants. This autumn, the weather, has apparently been perfect for leaves, although I haven't ever known an autumn that isn't good when it comes to leaves. This year though, the trees have been holding on to their leaves until today which was definitely a kicking leaves day. As ever my own interests were reflected in Charlie's conversation topics and he did comment constantly about how windy it was and how the leaves were coming. We have a favourite game. It's quite simple. You stand under the trees, wait for the wind to blow the leaves off and try to catch one. The idea of the game is simple, however it isn't easy to actually catch a leaf, but I did today and I wore my turquoise wellies, perhaps they're magic.
After we'd been kicking leaves we played in the garden and did a few autumnal jobs. Charlie planted some bulbs in a pot and collected the runner bean seeds and borlotti beans for next year. I especially liked the way that he lined them up on a brick.
A truly beautiful golden day. Autumn leaves with their spectacular colours are enough to lift anyone's spirits especially when bathed in warm sunshine such as today.
Its a beautiful time of year and funny but i kept looking out at my back garden yesterday to look at the beautiful golden leaved trees . Hope they hang on to their leaves abit longer though ! x