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There are so many things that I would like to spend time doing that I often think I don't really have time to go to work. I have asked, on several occasions whether I can become a stay at home mum but this occupation is not conducive to our current life style, beside I like my financial independence and I did have to do years of studying and hard work for my career. The grass is always greener but there is no harm in dreaming.

One thing I would like to do is to work harder at my blog, mostly because it's something that I enjoy and secondly because I am a bit of a wannabe writer / full time crafter. Pip Lincolne is someone I would love to be, if she ever felt like a life swap and as part of her blog school, this post is my over due and late homework.
The task was to list your favourite blogs in a post which for me was just too numerous to even start to think about. Instead I am listing my favourite blogs by women that I would like to swap lives with in order to discover whether the grass really is greener.

Jane Brocket Yarnstorm -  she writes the books I would like to write, her blog is fabulous and I want to make quilts, cakes and take amazing photos just like her. I did actually meet her the other day and felt completely humbled by her loveliness.

Especially for Jane if she should ever be kind enough to look at my blog

Tif Fussell Dottie Angel - she has her own chickens, works in a shed, has recently written a book called Granny Chic (I can't wait for my copy to arrive). Her world is crammed full of doilies and lace and just pure vintage prettiness.

Totally Dottie Angel inspired
 Amy Anderson - Mod Podge Rocks - Amy gave me so much advice when I was starting out with the whole blogging thing, it was brilliant. When I contacted her not only did she reply but she was so helpful and very supportive. She has even featured my menu planner update on her blog which was like the best thing! I was so honoured. One of my favourite things about blogging is that if you are inspired by someone, you can actually communicate with them and even though you might never actually meet them in person, they feel like they are your friend.

I seriously do Mod Podge everything - check out the labels on my side bar

Alicia Paulson - Rosie gets Cozy - This lady has written the most amazing embroidery book and is incredibly talented at stitching. I love her embroidered felt ornament patterns so much that I bought one and made my own.

And of course I am a massive fan of Pip Lincolne from Meet me at Mike's. I don't think that it is a coincidence that she is also an author of brilliant books and my blog school teacher. I love her style, the fact that there was a Mike's at all or could still be and that there is, in my imagination. Even better is that this Mike's would be a lot closer to my sister (she lives in Australia) than I am at the moment and I could meet her there and Pip and have the most wonderful time.


  1. Your a very good pupil! I have done my homework, but not blogged it. I love Posie get's Cosy, it would be no. 1 on my list but for different reasons-I love how the weather and her house are like characters in a story, and I love the photography, especially of the dining table vignettes. Thanks for your list, i'm off to have a gander now...

  2. By you did post! I will check these out. Lovely blog, I like your photos. I have followed you so I can be nosy. See you at blog school x

    1. Thanks Lou, welcome to Ridgeway Cottage. I followed you too, how fun making new friends


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